Generally I am not an health expert or i don't give any health tips. However as i am a blogger and i faced many problems so i thought to share my experience with everybody so that you will get rid of these problems, afterall health is wealth. So read this full article to know how to maintain your health while blogging.
Being a blogger, you should know how much a blogger works infront of computer. He not only write blogposts, also spends his time in building links, making new ideas and so on. A blogger has to work very hard which results in sleepless nights and continious sitting infront of computer.
The common five problems that are found among the bloggers are-
- Eye Problem
- Back Pain
- Headache
- Neck Pain
- Deficiency of Vitamin D
Let's describe this in more details of these problems and will tell you some tips to get rid of these problems.

While blogging, you have to sit infront of computers or laptops for many hours which results in itching in eyes or water coming out of eyes.
To avoid eye problems, you must follow below mention things-
- Give regular break to your eyes in between working hours by closing your eyes. Taking 10-15 minutes break in each hour iss recommended.
- Rinse your eyes with cold water so that your eyes will not feel strain.
- If you are using old CRT computers then you should replace it to LCD monitors or laptop as per your budjet.

Back pain is a common problem to many boggers face while sitting infront of computer for long hours.
To get rid of problem, you should do below mention things-
- Maintain a straight posture while sitting infront of computer.

- Sit in a chair which maintain your knees and hip in 90 degree position, it will leads to less backpain.
- Take regular Breaks and walk between each hours. It also maintain a good bloodflow in your body.

The most common problem that every bloggers face is headache. These few tips will avoid you from headache-
- Always try to keep your eyes healthy and relaxed, so that you don't suffer from any headache.
- If you have headace, then stop working and get relaxed for some time or massage your forehead smoothly otherwise go out for a short walk in the open air.
- You can also take tea or coffee to reduce headache.
- Adjust the brightness and contrast of your computer display to average, neither too high nor too low.

Neck pain is very common among bloggers who consistently works for longer hours. Follow these few tips to avoid neckpain-
- Take regular break, get relaxed or go out for a short walk in the open air.
- Relax your neck by massaging and stretching. You can also do various neck yoga exercises.
- Maintain a good posture to avoid neckpain.
It is not so common but so many blogggers face this problems. As blogger have to sit in one place inside the room infront of a computer, so they don't get go outside frequently and they dont don't exposure to the sunlight due to which deficiency of vitamin D takes place in their body.
Apart from these things, do these things regularly-
- Take rest for 7-8 hours daily.
- Play any one outdoor games daily.
- Drink plenty of water everyday.
Though i am not a health expert , i have shared my own experience and how to get rid of theese problems , Afterall health is wealth and we should care of our health.
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