This year in March, Oppo has launched the Oppo F7 smartphone in India. Now a teaser from Oppo hints the launch of new smartphones Oppo F9 and F9 pro. The teaser shows the outline of Oppo F9 rear with 'Coming Soon' written on it. The image in the teaser shows a horizontally rear set of dual rear cameras with the LED flash. It means the new smartphone will come with Dual rear camera setup in the rear. I hope that Oppo must have included the fingerprint sensors in their new smartphones.
I think that like the Oppo F7 the new Oppo F9 may come with the glass back body. Regarding the launch date, there is no official confirmation from Oppo but it is estimated that the company can launch the new smartphones may be in August. The Oppo F9 has its Bluetooth certification. The Bluetooth certification shows three different model numbers as CPH1823, CPH1825, and CPH1881. Unfortunately, Oppo hasn't revealed any specific details on the specification in the teaser. The Oppo F9 is believed to be the successor to Oppo F7. As there is no Official specification from the company so take these details as a pinch of salt and stay tuned to Technology satellite for further updates on Oppo F9 and Oppo F9 pro.
I think that like the Oppo F7 the new Oppo F9 may come with the glass back body. Regarding the launch date, there is no official confirmation from Oppo but it is estimated that the company can launch the new smartphones may be in August. The Oppo F9 has its Bluetooth certification. The Bluetooth certification shows three different model numbers as CPH1823, CPH1825, and CPH1881. Unfortunately, Oppo hasn't revealed any specific details on the specification in the teaser. The Oppo F9 is believed to be the successor to Oppo F7. As there is no Official specification from the company so take these details as a pinch of salt and stay tuned to Technology satellite for further updates on Oppo F9 and Oppo F9 pro.
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