Xiaomi has launched its newest brand new Poco F1 in India. The company took curtains from this flagship device at an event held in New Delhi. The phone has been launched in three variants of 6 GB RAM + 64GB internal storage, 6 GB RAM + 128 GB internal storage and 8 GB RAM + 256 GB internal storage. The phone is a mid-range smartphone and is equipped with many features. It is believed that the company's flagship phone will hit the OnePlus 6 and the Asus zenphone 5Z. The phone works on Android 8.1's Oreo. The first sale for the phone will be from August 12 at 12 noon. Many offers are also available for the first cell.
Poco F1 smartphone price and launch offers
The first sale of the Poco F1 device will be on Flipkart and Mi.Com on August 29. The device's 6 GB RAM and 64GB internal storage variant have been priced at Rs 20,999. While the 6 GB RAM + 128GB internal storage has been priced at Rs 23,999 and 8 GB RAM + 256 GB internal storage has been kept at Rs 28,999. Poco has also introduced an Armed Edition of the F1 device and its price has been kept at Rs 29,999. The company has partnered with HDFC Bank to sell the phone. Under this, buying a phone from HDFC Bank card in the first cell will get a discount of Rs 1,000. In the first cell for the phone, Reliance Jio is offering high-speed data of up to 8,000 cashback and 6 terabytes by the users.
Poco F1 specifications
Xiaomi's Poco F1 has a 6.18 inch Edge 2 Edge Full HD Plus Notch display. The phone's notch can also be turned off in settings. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845 processor has been given in the phone for performance. Liquid Cool Technology has been used in the phone. Due to heavy gaming, there will be no heating problem on the phone. Adreno 630 GPU is given in the device for graphics.
The phone will run on Android 8.1 oreo. The company said that the Android 9.0 Pie update will be available for the phone in the fourth quarter of this year. Talking about the camera, the phone has a dual rear camera setup, with the primary 12-megapixel Sony Imax 365 and 5-megapixel secondary camera. For the people of Selfie, the front has a 20-megapixel high-resolution camera. The fingerprint sensor is given below the camera.
To give power to the phone, it has a battery of 4000 mAh that supports Quick Charge 3.0. The phone's internal storage can be extended to 256 GB with the help of a micro SD card. The phone has been introduced in Black, Blue, and Red three color variants. The company has specially designed a new MiUi for Poco. The Poco Launcher has been provided in the new MiUi. The company says that this phone will continue to receive updates very quickly.
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