Samsung has launched its new budget Smartphone Galaxy J2 Core in the Indian market. This phone is the company's first Android Go handset which is based on Oreo Go. The phone price is Rs. 6190. Samsung's new smartphone is available in the retail, gold, blue and black color options. The Samsung Galaxy J2 Core is made for those users whose average is average. This is also a good option for first-time users using smartphones. J2 Core is a basic smartphone that has features such as Web-browsing, Calling, Facebook, Whatsapp. We got to use this smartphone for a while. Know how this phone is:
Design and Display:
The J2 Core has been given a plastic body. Good in phone capture, appearance, and build quality. The camera, the LED flash, and the loudspeaker on the rear of the phone have been given. On the right side of the smartphone, the volume buttons on the power button and the left side are given. The audio jack and micro USB port are given at the bottom of the phone. A 5-inch qHD TFT display is given in the phone. In terms of smartphone look and design, the price is good. The phone's display also gives correct viewing angles and the basic work of the day gets better with video streaming.
Hardware & Software:
1GB RAM with Quad Core Exynos 7570 SoC Processor in the J2 Core has been given. Micromax India is available in similar RAM and internal storage at Rs. 4399. Lava Z61 is available for 1 GB of RAM and 16GB of storage at a price of 5959. But apparently, Samsung's brand recall is good in the Indian market. In this case, Samsung could move forward with its competitors in this case.
The smartphone comes with 8GB storage. It can be extended to 256GB via microSD card. The Galaxy J2 Core also has some preloaded apps that offer features like Data Control and Ultra Data Saving. The phone works on Android 8.1 Oreo on the phone. Many apps like Google Go, YouTube Go, Maps Go, Facebook Lite come preloaded. Its user interface is quite light and smoother. The phone supports 4G LTE and dual sim slots.
The phone has an 8MP rear and a 5MP front camera. Both cameras work on f / 2.2 aperture. According to the budget handset, the phone takes fine pictures. The phone's rear camera gives good pictures in the natural light. However, the selfie camera is average. The phone is not made for night photography.
The phone has 2600 mAh battery. It takes approximately one-and-a-half hours to fully charge the phone. The phone has a removable battery. The company claims that non-stop 11 hours of video streaming can be done on the phone YouTube Go.
Our decision:
Galaxy J2 Core is a good budget smartphone for basic use. While using the phone, we could not find any special problem. However, this Samsung smartphone will get tough competition from brands such as Micromax, Xiaomi, Infinix, Infocus.
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