Asus has launched two new smartphones, ZenFone Max M1 and ZenFone Lite L1, in India after a long duration. These two phones have a single rear camera. Apart from this, you will get Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor in the phone. So let us know the price and specification of Asus Zenfone Max M1 and Asus Zenfone Lite L1.
Price of Asus Genfon Max M1 and Asus Zenfone Lite L1-
ZenFone Lite L1 is priced at Rs 6,999, but for now, it will be sold for Rs 5,999. Zenfone Lite L1 Black and Gold Color Variants will be found and the Zenfone Max M1 is priced at Rs 8,999 but in the festive season, it will be sold for Rs 7,499. This phone will also be available in Black and Gold color variants. The sales of these two phones will be in the explosion days sale at Flipkart. With both phones, a cashback of Rs 2,200 will be given by Jio.
Asus ZenFone Max M1 specification-
The Asus Zenfone Max M1 will have a 5.45 inch HD Plus display with the resolution of 720x1440 pixels and aspect ratio 18: 9. Apart from this, the phone will be available for Android Oreo 8.1, Dual SIM support, Snapdragon 430 Octa-core Processor, 3GB RAM and 32GB storage which can be increased to 256 GB. Speaking of the Asus Zenfone Max M1 camera, this phone has a 13-megapixel rear camera and 8-megapixel front camera. Apart from this, the phone has a 4000mAh battery with a 10-watt charger, and for connectivity options, it has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS. There will also be fingerprint sensor in the phone.
Asus ZenFone Lite L1 specification-
The Asus Zenfone Lite L1 also has a 5.45 inch HD Plus display with the resolution of 720x1440 pixels and aspect ratio 18: 9. Apart from this, the phone will be available for Android Oreo 8.1, Dual SIM support, Snapdragon 430 OctaR processor, 2 GB RAM, and 16 GB storage which can be increased to 256 GB. Speaking of the Asus Zenfone Light L1 camera, this phone has a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front camera. Apart from this, the phone has a 3000mAh battery with a 10-watt charger, and for connectivity, it has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS.
By seeing the specification and price of this two newly launched phone I can say that it is good but not the best. It will be a great phone for those people whose price range is between Rs. 6k-7k.
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